Rules and suggestions for the participation at meetings, conferences and activities alike


You are interested in these if your research-related or teaching-related activity needs to be performed at a place external to the University of Bologna and i) you need insurance coverage and/or ii) you might later ask for reimbursement of your expenses.

You are still interested if some other person/administration is reimbursing you for your expenses, as you might still need insurance coverage that the other part is not offering. Also, you should obtain the formal permission to leavem as you are dependent on the University, somehow.

Ph.D. students might also need to comply to different rules and/or obtain permission from their Ph.D. supervisor, especially for trips abroad.


Regole per l'espletamento delle missioni o trasferte (pdf)

Con la presente si comunica che è stato approvato il nuovo Regolamento delle Missioni (allegato). Si invita ad una attenta consultazione, in quanto sono state apportate modifiche a diversi articoli.

In particolare, le spese di alloggio, se in appartamento, l’uso del taxi e del mezzo proprio devono essere autorizzati preventivamente e rispondere a criteri precisi, come indicato negli artt.9 e 11.

Si allegano anche i nuovi moduli di richiesta e rimborso adottati dall’Ateneo. (autorizzazione, rimborso It, rimborso estero)

Per i non strutturati rimangono validi i moduli inviati in precedenza per la trasferta.

Si chiede inoltre di presentare le ricevute di iscrizione ai Convegni in originale e già firmate dal titolare del fondo.

Infine, si raccomanda di inviare le richieste di autorizzazione alla missione o trasferta esclusivamente alla casella di posta dedicata:

Cordiali saluti,

Daniela Darchini

Graziella Belletti



3 Settembre 2013:


In riferimento alle nuove disposizioni relative alle modalità di  rimborso delle trasferte al personale dipendente sui fondi PRIN/FIRB  ed in considerazione della opportunità di seguire una linea univoca in relazione alle  missioni, si forniscono di seguito alcune indicazioni:


Almeno tre giorni prima della trasferta occorre inviare, all'indirizzo di posta elettronica il modulo di richiesta di incarico di trasferta  (allegato1) compilato in ogni sua parte e debitamente firmato.

In tale modulo dovrà essere indicato, in maniera non generica, l'oggetto della trasferta.

Dovrà altresì deve sempre essere effettuata una stima di spesa per consentire la prenotazione dei fondi necessari e verificare la copertura finanziaria della trasferta.

Nel caso di utilizzo di mezzo proprio, esso dovrà essere giustificato in maniera circostanziata e non generica.


Al modulo deve essere allegata:

1) una dichiarazione che definisca i motivi scientifici dello svolgimento della trasferta  e la stretta attinenza con il fondo /progetto su cui si richiede il rimborso;

2) lettera di invito o convocazione o mail da cui risulti la finalità della trasferta o, in caso di partecipazione a Convegni, le indicazioni dei medesimi.

In caso di partecipazione a convegni dovrà essere presentato al rientro l’attestato di partecipazione o, qualora il partecipante sia relatore, il  programma dell’evento.

Al termine della trasferta andrà presentato il modulo di richiesta di rimborso (allegato2) e i documenti di spesa originali.

Si allega  per comodità uno schema delle spese rimborsabili e dei massimali per categoria (allegato 3).

modulistica: incarico missione, richiesta rimborso, Tabella massimali










FIRST STEP An electronic form is available that will be used throughout this procedure. Please, obtain one copy. We will call this the "mission form" from now on.
BEFORE YOU LEAVE You need to get formal authorization to leave, and you should obtain that from Bruno, who will then sign the filled first page of the mission form. You should always use public means of transportation during the mission, but if you are planning on using your own transportation device for the mission you should fill the dedicated part of the form to justify your decision (extreme difficulty in reaching the place with public transportation, need to carry heavy/large/fragile material and such). If the driver is a member of the University staff, she/he can ask for the full insurance coverage for her/his vehicle, by filling the appropriate form (here a good MSWord surrogate, here the rules), having it signed by the Director of the Department and having it faxed to the University Insurance office (fax 0512098809), at least two working days BEFORE the date of departure. The cost of insurance will impinge on our research funds.
All trip planning and reservations should be arranged by yourself. Usually the University does not anticipate money for trips of non-staff members, and even for staff members a number of restrictions apply. It is important that everyone knows that (sadly) you will be asking for reimbursement of your expenses after you have completed the mission. If you buy tickets and you are then unable to make or complete the mission, the expenses are yours. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this rule, not even for staff members!
Travel insurance expenses are NOT reimbursed. (Still, usually it might be convenient for you to waste 10 euros for a flight insurance than wasting 200 if you catch a flu the day before leaving) This is particularly annoying when traveling to the US or to other countries where the Italian Health system would not cover your expenses. Please, ask Giampaolo about this, before arranging things, if it is a serious problem for you.
Travel and accommodation: Plane tickets must be in economy class. Only in certain specific cases the law allows for business-class tickets (but the lab finances usually do not). If you have no experience booking flight tickets, please ask Giampaolo. Up to 3 or 4-star hotels are accepted (please, mind that you are usually spending research money, not going on an incentive vacation).
Meals. About meals, strong restrictions apply. Usually not more that 2 meals receipts are allowed for each mission day. Each receipt should total equal or less than 21 Euros of in Italy or equal or less than 50 Euros/U$dollars if in a foreign country. It is ok if the two receipts are written at the same time from the same restaurant (like, if you have a 30 euros dinner and had no lunch, you can ask and obtain two receipts for 15 euros each from the restaurant waiter and get all your 30 back, otherwise only 21 out of the 30 are reimbursed. For staff members, Italian meals can be as rich as 24 euros.
ONE or TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU LEAVE: you should then carry the filled mission form (only the first page will be filled at this stage) to the Department Administration offices (to Ms Franzò or whomever would take it in her place). This is to be sure that insurance covers you on the trip.
When on the trip, YOU NEED to obtain (and save) receipts for all your money transactions! This means you need receipts for plane tickets, train and bus tickets (unless the price is shown on the ticket itself). All receipts should bear your name on them, possibly along with the Department name. Restaurant receipts should be for one meal: yes, it means that the best thing is to obtain one receipt for each person at the table! Some waiters pretend you are stabbing them after you ask this. In case at the table are only people from our lab, it is ok to have one global receipt showing the number of people, then each will ask for reimbursement of her/his share.
You should also obtain a proof of your presence in the place for the work-related issue. If you are at a conference, you should always obtain a certificate of attendance from the conference organization. If you are visiting a colleague for scientific exchange or experiments, please ask her/him to write a few lines on a piece of letterhead paper stating the duration and dates of your presence and the purpose. Taxi receipts should also declare the departure and destination of the trip.

AFTER YOU ARE BACK: you can ask for reimbursement. For obtaining this, you must obtain the mission form back from the Department Administration office. You then have to fill out the rest of the form (2nd and 3rd page) and turn it in to Bruno for his signature. Later, you can take it back to Ms Franzò. It is important that everything is described VERY clearly and carefully: in case something is not clear, it will not be reimbursed :-( If Ms Franzò has time, please ask her to take a look at the paperwork with you. All receipts/statements etc. should be attached IN ORIGINAL to the mission form (do not use staples, best thig is to glue them to one or a few sheets of clean A4 paper to be inserted in the mission form). On the 3rd page of the form you should list all the expenses in a detailed manner.

TAXI trips require particular attention, as they are not considered the normal means of transportation (regardless of their price) so you must write and sign (on the 3rd page for instance) a declaration of the reasons for your taking of the taxi (e.g.: broken ankle, impossibility of other means of transportation, extreme impracticability of other means at that time of for that trip, economicity since other lab people shared the trip, etc.)

If you used your car, please add also the output of a website like viamichelin, describing your trip and the length of the trip. Reimbursement will be made depending on the length of the trip. Please, obtain and attach also highway payment receipts. This is mandatory if expenses are reimbursed on EC funds.
After turning in the filled form, a variable time elapses before getting reimbursed, as mission forms are processed when they reach a critical mass (or before the end of the financial year).
The law allows only for the reimbursement of real expenses from the university-related missions. No by-day forfeit allowances are possible.